Alternate PD/Convention or Attendance Release Request
Requests for 2024 must be submitted to The Alberta Teachers' Association. Apply online by clicking on this link
and register or log in using the link at the top of the page you arrive at. You must complete and submit an online application two weeks before your assigned convention.
Provincial ATA page where the above link is located with additional information regarding convention attendance.
Provincial ATA page where the above link is located with additional information regarding convention attendance.
As an ATA member who teaches in a public, separate or francophone school division, you have a legal and professional obligation to attend your assigned teachers’ convention.
In some cases, you may wish to request permission from the ATA to
- be released from attendance at part or all of your convention,
- attend an alternate professional development event or
- attend a different convention.
- If your situation isn’t detailed here, call 1-800-232-7208 and ask to speak to the ATA’s Professional Development duty officer.